Search ‘Cary’ or ‘North Raleigh’ to filter results to events tied to each campus.

Board Games at Boxyard

Boxyard RTP 900 Park Offices Drive, Research Triangle

On Wednesday from 5:30-8:30pm Lifepointe Cary young adults will be meeting up at Boxyard RTP. Grab food/drinks, bring a board game, and come hang out with other young adults!

Ice Cream Meet Up at Howling Cow

Howling Cow 100 Dairy Lane, Raleigh

Lifepointe Cary attenders Tom & Helen Price invite you to join them at Howling Cow for some ice cream and fellowship. This event is open to everyone. We recommend bringing a chair with you! Look for the green devoted tshirt when you get there to find the group.

Ice Cream Meetup at Fresh Apex

Fresh Apex 109 N Salem St, Apex

Neal and Laura Alligood invite Lifepointe Cary to join them at Fresh Ice Cream in Apex! This event is open to everyone. Look for the green devoted tshirt when you get there to find the group.