Devoted23 Launching January 8

Quest 52

You’ve read a lot about Jesus. Now spend an entire year with him! Let respected Bible professor and teaching pastor Mark Moore be your guide. He developed this process over almost forty years of helping people make sense of Christianity.

Quest 52 highlights the key moments from Jesus’s life, revealing his identity, his expectations, his priorities, and his ultimate purpose. Each week features a handpicked gospel reading from the life of Jesus, plus an Old Testament passage foreshadowing his coming, a New Testament story revealing his impact, an invitation to discuss insights with fellow travelers, and practical ways to put what you’ve learned into practice.

Related Resources

The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert

Rosaria is helping Christians to better understand their LGBT neighbors and loved ones so that we can lovingly look past labels of sexual identity and share the gospel effectively.

Gay and Christian?

Pro-gay theology is a relatively new phenomenon in the debate of sexual ethics. Bible revisionists claim the scriptures on homosexuality that Christians have relied on for thousands of years have been mistranslated, misunderstood, or misinterpreted. Are they right? Are they wrong? Why? As stewards of Biblical truth, Christians must have a response.

Mama Bear Apologetics: Guide to Sexuality

Starting at a young age, kids are being fed damaging misinformation about sexuality, gender identity, and human biology. As a parent, it’s up to you to help your children understand God’s truth about these integral concepts in the face of the candy-coated lies that saturate today’s world.