Devoted23 Launching January 8

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From our Lead Pastor:

In the summer of 2021, I spent time in prayer asking what where he was guiding Lifepointe church in 2022. I started to ask the question “What if?” What if we spent an entire year focused on one thing? What if we challenged our church family to be more devoted followers of Christ? And gave them the teaching and resources to do it. A well known verse in Acts gave me the clarity I needed to give our church a vision for the new year. 

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. Acts 2:42

That verse is the inspiration for Devoted22. What if we lived the way the ancient Christians did? What if God moved among us the way he moved among them?  We’ll spend 2022 gaining a deeper understanding of the Gospel through the apostles’ teaching, growing deeper in relationship with other followers through fellowship and breaking of bread, and finally we’ll develop a deeper experience with God through prayer. We’re asking God for revival within us that leads to the world around us. 

I pray that through the Devoted22 journey you’ll experience personal growth and revival. I pray you’ll become more confident in your faith. I pray that you will gain the confidence to share that faith with others, and ultimately become a more devoted follower of Christ. I invite you to join us on this journey, check out the recommended resources, watch the Devoted22 message and let’s be more devoted; together. 

donnie's signature

Vision Card

On Vision Sunday we handed out our Vision Cards, which clearly break down the different focuses of our Devoted22 journey. Whether you keep it in your car, tape it to your mirror, or stick it on your fridge, the Vision Card is a great reminder of our vision for the year. The card also includes a Devoted22 keychain!

If you weren’t able to attend Vision Sunday and would like one of these cards – let us know so we can get one into your hands.

Where Do I Begin?

It can be hard to know where to start in becoming a more devoted follower of Christ. Good news – you can join in on the Devoted22 journey any time! Here’s a few suggestions to get started.

Devoted Pick5

Use this card as a way to help you check off tangible ways to gain a deeper understanding of the Gospel. Once you mark off five, we’ll have a gift for you!


Listen to the messages given on Sundays, whether you’re catching up or listening again! You can easily access the messages in our app, or visit our youtube channel.


Our teaching team has curated a list of relevant resources as you begin your Devoted22 journey. On our resources page you’ll find books, podcasts, and video content.

Join a Group

People grow in community. We have many group offerings throughout the year. Learn more by visiting our groups page. Our groups team would love to help find the right group for you!

Worship on Sundays

Worship with us on Sundays in North Raleigh, Cary, or Online. Learn more about times & locations at